Innovation, Sustainability

The Future of Sustainable Concrete: Using Carbon Capture Technology in Concrete Mixing

 |  Innovation, Sustainability

The Future of Sustainable Concrete: Using Carbon Capture Technology in Concrete Mixing

As builders, we know how important concrete is to the built environment. Concrete is the most widely used material on earth, second only to water. Although concrete serves an essential purpose in our society, its widespread use throughout the centuries comes with an environmental cost.

Cement, the main ingredient used to make concrete, is the most significant contributor to these harmful environmental factors. A major byproduct of cement manufacturing is CO2, which, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, makes up most of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. However, it’s extremely difficult to make cement and concrete without also producing CO2. So, what’s the solution?




One way to mitigate carbon emissions is through carbon capture technologies. At the ongoing multi-phase project in Phoenix, Arizona, two of Compass Datacenters’ innovative solutions are being embraced by Sundt to reduce the project’s carbon footprint: CarbonCure Technologies and

Compass is implementing this revolutionary method of carbon removal through their on-site batch concrete supplier, Cemex. Cemex is utilizing CarbonCure technology to inject CO2 into fresh concrete. This process not only makes mixing concrete more sustainable, but the resulting material is lighter, more durable and more cost-effective. In addition to effectively trapping those gases and preventing them from being released into the atmosphere, CarbonCure’s process also reduces the overall amount of cement needed.

“Sundt is proud to support our client with the cutting edge sustainable concrete solutions at the Compass Data Center project,” said Sundt Sustainability Director Richard McDonald. “Working on projects with clients that have a high standard for sustainable practices will certainly help us at Sundt further our own sustainability mission moving forward.”

Since Compass’ founding in 2011, sustainability has been embraced and prioritized through the efficient use of land, energy and water. The means and methods Compass deploys to construct its data centers are constantly evolving as it adopts new ways to minimize its impact on natural resources. As a result, Compass uses CarbonCure and for its construction projects and makes them a great partner in Sundt’s commitment to sustainability.