Got building skills? Check. Care about improving your community? Double check. That describes a group of Sundt employees, friends and family members who recently volunteered at two Habitat for Humanity building events sponsored by the Sundt Foundation.
In January, the Foundation made a $5,000 grant to Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona to help fund the construction of a two-story, singly-family home in Glendale, Ariz., a suburb of Phoenix. Soon afterward, Habitat approached Sundt about providing volunteer labor as well.
“We had a great turnout and a lot of fun,” said Andrew Apostolik, Sundt employee and Foundation board member. “Many hands make light work, as they say. These events are a great way to build new friendships and affordable housing at the same time.”
The group spent two Saturdays pounding nails and having fun while building a home for a low-income family. They installed interior wall framing, fascia board and sheathing on the garage and roof.