
Results Are Clear at Coast Community College District

 |  Education

Results Are Clear at Coast Community College District


Our partnership with Coast Community College District is producing positive outcomes in Southern California.

Last month, we completed construction of the Interdisciplinary Complex at the District’s Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. The $38 million community college construction project provides students and staff with a 200-station open computer lab, 11 mixed-use computer teaching labs, lecture classrooms for the business and math departments, administrative offices, meeting rooms, a workroom, lounge and study areas.

131344_N74_webviewTotaling 78,000 square feet, the three-story facility features an intricate exterior skin comprising architectural concrete, exposed structural steel, plaster, metal panels and curtain wall.

We are starting work on a second project for the district as the construction manager for a $24 million Student Services Center at its Golden West Campus in Huntington Beach. The project includes demolition of the existing Boyce Library, site improvements and construction of a 50,000-square-foot centralized one-stop location for student services.

The projects further solidify our presence in Southern California as a leader in constructing education facilities. Other notable projects include the Student Services Center at Golden West College in Huntington Beach, Ohlone Community College Academic Core in Fremont and San Diego CCD Miramar College Library/Learning Resource Center in San Diego.