Features & Highlights
- 4.5 miles of widening and reconstruction of existing two-lane roadway to four lanes with grade-separated intersections
- Five large new cast-in-place box culverts
- Over 1.5 million cubic yards of new roadway embankment
- Developed innovative de-watering method to overcome record-high rainfalls
Project Overview
For this roadway widening and reconstruction project, Sundt maintained a strong partnership with TXDOT throughout the project. The project team completed nearly 5 miles of highway widening and reconstruction that consisted of grading, sub-base, base, HMAC, precast and cast-in-place drainage structures, bridges, and new signage.
One of the team’s major challenges was to overcome the weather. They experienced a state emergency flood event, including record-high rainfall for two consecutive years. The project team developed innovative de-watering methods and customized forming systems that allowed us to perform the work efficiently under these difficult circumstances. At one point, our earthwork crews were moving over 20,000 cubic yards of dirt per day.