Sundt Projects

University of Nevada, Reno Reynolds School of Journalism

University of Nevada, Reno Reynolds School of Journalism

  • Location:

    Reno, Nevada

  • Client:

    University of Nevada, Reno

  • Construction Value:


  • Delivery Method:


  • Year Completed:


  • Specialties:

    Higher Education

Features & Highlights

  • State-of-the-art video, audio and data technology
  • Demolished interior walls to create open floor plan
  • Supported owners through training of their telecommunications and broadcast systems
Project Overview

The technology and renovation upgrade of the three-story Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism focused on the building’s digital infrastructure or digital backbone to allow students and staff access to technology used in the field of journalism. The new interior layout focuses on open, shared spaces as well as state-of-the-art video, audio and data technology systems.

Sundt’s team demolished interior walls of the structural brick building, reinforcing the remaining walls with structural steel to create the school’s desired open floor plan. A graduate studies suite and digital newsroom were among two of the new spaces created. Additional improvements included a new touch-screen directory and journalism archive in the lobby as well as new projectors, furnishings, and carpeting in several areas. New fire alarm, sprinkler and door security systems were also installed.

The core of the contract was the installation of the building’s new telecommunications and broadcast systems. Once installation was complete, the team spent the final two months of the project training the owners how to use the new equipment.

“Sundt’s communication process was excellent. Sundt did an excellent job in managing this project. Sundt’s personnel put in more effort than most that I have experienced in my career.”

Marcella Yeates, Director of Planning and Design, University of Nevada, Reno
