Sundt Projects

Lake McQueeney and Placid Spillgate Replacement and Dam Armoring

Lake McQueeney and Placid Spillgate Replacement and Dam Armoring

  • Location:

    Seguin, Texas

  • Client:

    Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority

  • Construction Value:

    $83.7 million

  • Delivery Method:

    Competitive Sealed Proposal

  • Year Completed:

    In progress

  • Specialties:

    Flood Control, Self Perform

  • Replacement of spillgates with five hydraulically actuated steel crest gates
  • Placement of over 12,000-cy of structural concrete for dam modifications
  • Installation of trestle work bridge and sheet pile cofferdam
  • 10,400-cy of concrete dam embankment armoring
Project Overview

In Seguin, Texas, work is underway at Lake Placid and Lake McQueeney to replace the existing dam gates and make structural modifications to the spillway structure that will ensure the preservation of Lake McQueeney and Lake Placid for generations.

One of the major scopes of work includes replacing the current bear-trap style crest gates on each dam with new hydraulically actuated steel crest gates. The new crest gates will improve dam safety, have higher reliability and can be remotely and/or automatically operated. Additionally, both projects will include modifications to the existing spillway structures, installation of new mechanical and electrical operating systems, improved backup power, enhanced instrumentation and controls, improved headwater and tailwater measurement tools, new video surveillance and the addition of a supervisory control and data acquisition interfaces. The scope of both projects also includes a maintenance bridge and stop logs that will make it possible to maintain the dams while the lake is full. Additionally, the hardening of existing earthen dams will ensure full compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Dam Safety requirements.