Sundt Projects

ITD I-15 Fort Hall Interchange

ITD I-15 Fort Hall Interchange

  • Location:

    Fort Hall, Idaho

  • Client:

    Idaho Transportation Department

  • Construction Value:


  • Delivery Method:

    Design-Bid-Build (DBB)

  • Year Completed:


  • Specialties:

    Bridges, Roadways

  • Five-lane, two-span precast concrete bridge with 28 bulb-tee girders, precast abutments, pier columns and pier caps.
  • Lengthened and widened interchange ramps with six-foot shoulder for pedestrian and bicycle crossing.
  • Construction of Town Lateral reinforced concrete box culvert (220’x16’x7’) and Ross Fork reinforced box culvert (480’x14’x12’ dual barrel)
Project Overview

Sundt and its joint venture partner Cannon Builders, along with the Idaho Transportation Department, are working with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to construct an interchange that will serve the Fort Hall area for many years to come. These renovations and additions to the interchange will improve traffic flow as population growth increases in southeast Idaho.

The Fort Hall Interchange, located on Exit 80 of the Interstate 15 highway, was constructed in 1958 and is in need of renovations. Sundt will demolish the old interchange structure and build a brand-new precast bridge structure with two lanes in either direction and a center lane over the I-15 and Simplot Rd. Additionally, we will be creating longer and wider interchange ramps and a six-foot shoulder for safer pedestrian and bicycle crossing. This project adds two new reinforced concrete box culverts to transmit water through Ross Fork Creek and the Town Lateral Canal. Details include improved lighting, landscape, irrigation and cattle guard additions.
