Features & Highlights
- City of San Antonio’s first design-build transportation project
- More than $4 million saved through innovative design and constructability reviews
Project Overview
Hausman Road was the City of San Antonio’s first design-build transportation project and the largest street project in its history. Hausman Road was a two-lane roadway that connects two major highways, Loop 1604 and Interstate 10. Sundt widened the 3.4-mile stretch between the highways to four lanes, plus a center turn lane, and constructed five new bridges.
During the design/preconstruction phase, we developed numerous alternative technical concepts totaling a savings of more than $4 million. The city’s original plans included a 94-foot-wide typical roadway section with travel lanes measuring 12 feet in width. Sundt and its team recommended reducing the roadway width to 86 feet by narrowing the lanes to 11 feet. Altogether, proposed changes significantly reduced the amount of right-of-way property the city had to acquire, improved sight distance issues, eliminated 10,000 cubic yards of dirt haul off, reduced impervious cover and utility conflicts and eliminated the need for expensive bridge end treatments that would have taken up a lot of room in the right-of-way.
Another project challenge the team overcame were soil conditions. Soil conditions varied depending on the location along the alignment, but soils were typically fractured rock or clay materials. However, there was an isolated area approximately 1,500 lineal feet that was made up of a clay material with a plastic index exceeding the maximum allowed and was unsuitable. The project team worked with the designers to develop a solution that included an over excavation, placement of geogrid and base material.
The entire project scope included managing and installing extensive utility relocations and upgrades, earthwork, construction of retaining walls, sidewalks, hike and bike trails, storm sewer, bridge structures, complete design services that also included archaeological and historic survey, environmental analysis and permitting, geotechnical work, right-of-way services and acquisitions, and public outreach.
Awards & Accolades
2017 Project of the Year, American Public Works Association Texas Chapter