Sundt Projects

Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant (South)

Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant (South)

  • Client:

    City of Mesa

  • Construction Value:


  • Delivery Method:


  • Year Completed:


  • Specialties:

    Water & Wastewater

Features & Highlights

  • Completed under budget with savings returned to owner
Project Overview

This project was a key component to support the major growth of three East Valley cities and was built in an area surrounded by custom homes and growing neighborhoods. To accommodate the needs of the Design Review Board, the project utilized creative approaches for earthen berms, landscaping, structure designs, colors and advanced odor control systems. The plant’s technical components include a 16-million-gallon-per-day (MGD) liquids train and a 24 MGD solids train that included 14 miles of pipelines, ranging in size from 4-inches to 72-inches in diameter, plus three new pump stations; a 15,000-square-foot administration and maintenance building; and a 60,000-square-foot solids handling building. The plant produces reclaimed water with an A+ quality. Class A+ allows for the direct reuse of reclaimed water for applications such as aquifer recharge, irrigation of public areas and other non-potable uses.

The project also included an advanced SCADA System that remotely controls every device at the plant. Operators can determine the influent and effluent flows from any location.

“The Sundt team developed and implemented a system of early identification and acquisition of major equipment, which helped accelerate completion of the project design and saved a significant amount of money by locking equipment costs. Sundt had a highly qualified and experienced project team that ensured early completion and excellent quality.”

Peter Knudson, former Deputy City Engineer, City of Mesa


Awards & Accolades

2007 Wastewater Treatment Plant Project of the Year, Arizona Water Pollution Control Association

2008 Public Works Environmental Project of the Year, American Public Works Association