Features & Highlights
- Two-phase project to realign Fourth Street and grade separate it from the BNSF line
- Self-performed 60% of the work
Project Overview
Sundt completed the Fourth Street BNSF Overpass project in two separate phases. The first phase realigned Huntington/Industrial Drives in preparation for the future realignment of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad line through East Flagstaff. The first phase included extensive storm drainage and underground utility improvements, new traffic signals and street lighting, curb and gutter as well as a new two-barrel box culvert.
The second phase of this project constructed Fourth Street from Huntington/Industrial Drive to US 66, including a vehicle and pedestrian bridge over the BNSF railroad tracks, a traffic interchange at the Fourth Street intersection and reconstruction of approximately 3,000 linear feet of US 66.
With only one grade-separated crossing for regular vehicular traffic within the city’s limits, a second crossing at the east end of town was sorely needed. The project was essential to solving the city of Flagstaff’s problems with traffic congestion.
The project team completed:
- 175,000 cubic yards of railway excavation
- 6,610 linear feet of railroad realignment
- 20,000 linear feet of 8-inch and 16-inch water lines
- 50,000 cubic yards of roadway excavation
- 15,000 linear feet of sewer lines
Awards & Accolades
2006 ACEC Engineering Excellence Award, American Council of Engineering Companies
2008 Project of the Year Award, American Public Works Association Northern Branch