Features & Highlights
- New main facility to host a number of training- and conference-related events
- Improved site access and circulation through roadways and parking lots
- New underground utilities and storm retention plans
Project Overview
This facility was originally constructed over 50 years ago and was due for a major overhaul. Sundt’s renovation and expansion of the facilities and grounds included constructing a new training facility, which will serve as the primary training facility for the client’s skilled employees. Other scope included a conference center, as well as a parking lot and major renovations to the grounds of the facility.
The property is home to various recreational avenues and services the needs of corporate business meetings throughout the week, including indoor and outdoor catering. It serves employees and their family members, and also functions as a community space, as the facility hosts thousands of visitors a year from outside the company. Because the project is unique to the client in its business purpose, ongoing programmatic needs created extensive coordination, budgeting and change management challenges throughout pre-construction and construction phases.