Sundt Projects

Arizona State University Biodesign Institute, Buildings A & B

Arizona State University Biodesign Institute, Buildings A & B

  • Location:

    Phoenix, Arizona

  • Client:

    Arizona Board of Regents | Arizona State University

  • Construction Value:


  • Delivery Method:


  • Year Completed:


  • Specialties:

    Higher Education, Laboratories, Sustainability

Features & Highlights

  • Co-location
  • Fast-tracked with overlapping design and construction, reduced schedule by nine months
  • Arizona’s first LEED Platinum® building (Building B)
  • LEED Gold® (Building B)
Project Overview

The institute’s mission is to accelerate scientific discoveries and translate them into useful applications by integrating studies between biotechnology, biomedicine, nanotechnology, information technology and cognitive science. In collaboration with our JV partner, Sundt constructed the first two buildings for the Institute, Biodesign Building A and Biodesign Building B on a fast-track schedule.

The 183,000-square-foot, Building A has unlocked a door to discovery by providing the ability to study and construct systems at a nanoscale—a size 1,000 times smaller than a human hair. With five levels (four above and one below), this facility includes 72,000 square feet of laboratory spaces, 28,000 square feet of administrative spaces, 800-square-foot conference room, cleanrooms, and specialized laboratory equipment tolerance FF (Floor Flatness) and FL (Floor Levelness) standards.

Building B combines many of ASU’s top biomedicine, health, sustainability and security research centers in a 180,000-square-foot building. These include bioelectronic and biosensors, bioenergetics, environmental security, evolutionary medicine and informatics, infectious diseases and vaccinology, single molecule biophysics, sustainable health, and the Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology. The building includes CDC-certified Bio-Safety Level 3 (BSL-3 and ABSL-3) laboratories, HEPA-filtered exhaust air system and nano fabrication clean environments, secured iris scan entry, MRI suites, required magnetic shield paneling, specialized electrical and framing systems.

These cutting-edge, LEED®-certified facilities also serve as great examples of Sundt’s ability to help clients balance their sustainability goals with precision, aesthetics and affordability. Together with a joint venture partner, we were able to respond to the university’s urgent need for the facility without compromising on quality; our team successfully overlapped the design and construction phases to complete this iconic project nine months ahead of schedule. Building A is LEED Gold® and Building B is Arizona’s first LEED Platinum® building.

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Our team successfully overlapped the design and construction phases to complete this iconic project nine months ahead of schedule.


Awards & Accolades

AGC Aon Build America Award

2006 R&D Magazine Lab of the Year Award

Best of 2005 Honorable Mention, Southwest Contractor Magazine

American Institute of Architects Arizona Chapter Merit Award

Arizona Masonry Guild Citation Award

Valley Forward Association Crescordia Award

2007 City of Tempe Tempe Beautification Award