Civil & Transportation, Self-perform

Numbers Add Up to Huge Project at San Diego International Airport

 |  Civil & Transportation, Self-perform

Numbers Add Up to Huge Project at San Diego International Airport


Ever wonder how much concrete it would take to build a 4-foot-wide sidewalk from San Diego to Phoenix? You can see when the San Diego International Airport Rental Car Center opens next year.

Sundt’s joint venture with Austin Commercial placed 97,500 cubic yards of concrete on the 24-acre site. Amazingly, that’s enough to build a 362-mile sidewalk from San Diego International Airport to Sky Harbor in Phoenix. The concrete at the rental car center was placed in 12 months, the equivalent of pouring about an acre a week.

13380_N18_webviewThe center is the largest concrete building in San Diego. Constructing it has required 3,000 craft employees, 169 trade partners and almost 1.2 million work hours to date.

The facility also includes:

  • 2,000,000 square feet of floor area;
  • 2,800 concrete piles supporting the building foundation;
  • 25 million pounds of rebar;
  • 1.5 million square feet of formwork;
  • 956 precast panels forming the building skin.

There will be 12 rental car companies, a customer service building, a quick-turn-around car prep facility and a 5,000-car ready/return area at the facility, which celebrated its topping-out in October. The project is the first major component of the airport’s long-range plan to reduce airport traffic congestion and bring passengers closer to Interstate 5 and commuter rail lines.