Civil & Transportation, Sundt People

Northwest Extension Teamwork Pays Off with Partnership Award

 |  Civil & Transportation, Sundt People

Northwest Extension Teamwork Pays Off with Partnership Award

Light rail photo
Sundt’s joint venture with Stacy and Witbeck on the Northwest Extension was delivered three months ahead of time and on budget.

Completing a challenging project requires a team effort. Sundt’s teamwork with Stacy and Witbeck produced a needed extension for a light-rail system in the Phoenix area and many awards, including a 2016 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence honor.

The joint venture was recognized for Valley Metro’s Northwest Light Rail Extension, a 3.2-mile addition to the Valley Metro light rail system that was completed last year. The award was presented at the annual Roads & Streets Conference in Tucson last week.

The transportation project was delivered three months ahead of schedule and on budget despite the challenges of being located in an urban area with a high volume of vehicles and pedestrians. Sundt/Stacy and Witbeck also coordinated more than 20 months of utility construction to remove and replace 100 percent of the water, sewer and storm systems.

To keep the community informed, the team developed a smartphone app to provide project updates and information about changing traffic control. The app also contained coupons, business promotions and route information.

The awards recognize teams that demonstrate a high degree of achievement through their practice of the partnering principles and application of partnering processes in the transportation industry.