Sundt People

It’s the Safest Week of the Year

 |  Sundt People

It’s the Safest Week of the Year

Safety Photo 2National Safety Week begins today and Sundt is celebrating by hosting seminars and workshops that increase our company’s concentration on topics such as ladder safety, excavation requirements, eye protection and glove use.

Every year, more than 80,000 workers suffer an injury on construction jobsites across the U.S. Fall prevention continues to be a focus. Failure of those safety standards was among the top 10 most frequently cited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration during fiscal year 2014.

Safety photoSundt’s Safety by Choice program focuses on both how and why we need to be safe. We encourage our employee-owners to make good safety choices every day so they can go home every evening to enjoy time with family and friends.

The industry is rallying around safety initiatives. National and global construction firms comprising the Construction Industry Safety Council and the Incident and Injury Free Forum have joined forces with a single aim: to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety.

Sundt’s track record is strong: This past March, we were named the safest construction company in the country for the second time by the Associated General Contractors of America. We also won the award in 2006. Our goal remains to support and maintain a positive safety culture while continually improving our overall record and advancing safety in our industry.

Please come back to our blog all week as we report on company activities, wrapping up with a Q&A on Friday with Paul Levin, our Corporate Director of Safety and Quality.