Career Connections, Sundt People

Intern Spotlight: Alyssa Hom

 |  Career Connections, Sundt People

Intern Spotlight: Alyssa Hom

Hom_Alyssa_118092_webviewWORKSITE: Ocotillo Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Chandler, Arizona)

MAJOR: Mining Engineering

SCHOOL: University of Arizona


What drew you to Sundt?

A classmate and good friend referred me after she had a very positive and rewarding summer internship. After hearing how highly she regarded the company and her co-workers, I decided to pursue an internship with Sundt for the summer.

What does a typical day at Sundt look like for you?

The benefit of working for Sundt is that there is no “typical day.” The work that goes on is very diverse and my internship has afforded me the opportunity to obtain experience and learn about many different aspects of the work that goes on at a water treatment plant. Some days I start by going out into the field to help stake out points with the layout team while other days I begin in the office where I have the opportunity to learn new and exciting programs that are used by project engineers. Each work day is different from the last, but the one thing that has become “typical” of my work days at Sundt is that I know that each day I am going to learn something useful and new.

What have you learned about the real world of construction that surprised you?

The biggest benefit has been exposure to the real work being done. Prior to my internship, I imagined construction as a predictable and mundane building process. But that could not have been further from the truth! There is so much more going on in the construction field than I had ever realized. During my internship I have gained exposure to the important individual segments of what goes on in construction from day to day, from using surveying equipment to staking out points with the surveyors, coordinating with subcontractors, to being able to help develop recirculation plans in a program I had never even heard of three months prior. Each process is vital to the overall success of any project.

How have you benefited by working with a mentor every day?

My mentors on site were thoughtful and considerate with how they introduced me to the active components of the day-to-day work. Their guidance and instruction have been invaluable to my growth and development, and their constructive support is esteem-building and motivating. My mentors encourage communication and are open and responsive to questions, whether the questions are simple or complex. Their availability and responsiveness enhanced the learning process. The freedom to ask questions created a tremendous and unlimited learning environment.

What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

“Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg

What’s an app you couldn’t live without?

Google Calendar

What’s your favorite quote or inspirational saying?

“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” – Sheryl Sandberg

The quote sums up the attitude that I adopted during my internship with Sundt. I have had to step out of my comfort zone from time to time. This quote produces a mindset to always be eager to try new things, and most importantly, to learn and grow as a result!

What advice would you give for future interns at Sundt?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your internship is what you make it, so forge ahead and embrace every opportunity; watch, listen and ask questions. Learning never ends, even when you think you should know it all.