Sundt is paving the way to better value for our clients with the use of pervious concrete, an innovative product that helps owners lessen the environmental impact of their projects – and possibly save money at the same time. Embracing this green product – and investing in the training and equipment that go with it – is just one of the ways Sundt is distinguishing itself as a leader in sustainable construction.
How does pervious concrete work? When rainwater sheets over large areas of impermeable (traditional) concrete, it picks up many pollutants which it then carries to treatment facilities, rivers and streams. Pervious concrete is different because it’s designed to be porous so that rainwater can pass directly through it, thereby reducing storm water runoff – and pollution – and recharging underground water supplies.
On new construction projects, pervious concrete can be designed to be the site’s main storm water retention system, which allows for less elaborate (and less expensive) sewer systems and other drainage features. In many cases, using pervious concrete allows a larger area of a project site to be developed, which, for owners, translates to greater value.