Sundt People

Hatred and Bigotry Cannot Stand in America

 |  Sundt People

Hatred and Bigotry Cannot Stand in America

A version of this message from Sundt Chairman of the Board J. Doug Pruitt originally appeared in the Arizona Republic newspaper. Doug’s views reflect those of Sundt Construction, where we believe in the American values of diversity and inclusion.

By J. Doug Pruitt, Sundt Construction Chairman of the Board

Doug Pruitt photo
J. Doug Pruitt.

I strongly believe that not condemning the actions of the Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, the KKK and other like-minded groups is in essence condoning those actions and inciting further violence.

Sundt Construction, where I have spent my entire 51-year career, is headquartered in Arizona, a place that soon will be a minority-majority state. Minorities comprise more than half of Sundt’s total workforce and approximately 75 percent of its skilled craft workforce.

These are good people who get up every day, come to work and are responsible, loyal employees. They are also Americans. They have kids, go to church, coach Little League, pay taxes and lead responsible lives working to make the United States a better country. They deserve our respect, not our disdain.

The march that took place in Charlottesville and the hatred that was shown was disgusting, disgraceful and un-American and should never be tolerated.

President Trump’s response was equally disgraceful and in many ways emboldened the leaders of the groups spewing hatred and instilling fear in minorities, not just in Charlottesville but across America. Those who defended the President should be ashamed.

Congress is an equal branch of government that the President can’t fire. Our Senators and Representatives should set their party politics aside to condemn the President’s actions and those of the hate groups that created the violence and death in Charlottesville.

If we don’t take a stand, we will see more of this spreading across our country because inaction condones this behavior.

Hatred and bigotry are not American and should not be tolerated. We need to come together as people of different races, sexual orientations and religious convictions and stand tall as Americans.

Enough is enough.