Career Connections

Getting to Know Reed Hubbell

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Getting to Know Reed Hubbell

113359_Hubbell_Reed_1_webviewNAME: Reed Hubbell

WORKSITE: Las Cruces High School Additions, Las Cruces, New Mexico

MAJOR: Mechanical Engineering

SCHOOL: University of Arizona

YEAR: 2016

What drew you to Sundt?

The people. Even though Sundt is by far the largest company I’ve ever worked for, I felt very welcomed by Sundt, from my first contact onward. Everyone is friendly and encouraging, and the company as a whole is very receptive to its interns. I’ve been impressed with how Sundt runs as a corporation, but it feels like I’m working at a small, hometown business.

What does a typical day at Sundt look like for you?

I typically start by processing the paperwork that came in during the previous afternoon – subcontractor daily reports (SDRs), safety checklists, etc. Beyond that, my days are pretty varied! I spend a lot of time checking incoming inventory (lots of steel beams so far), working through takeoffs, reviewing structural plans, and taking part in meetings and site walks to “learn the ropes” of the project and large-scale construction in general. Occasionally, when there’s a slow day, I’ll pick up a broom and start sweeping.

What have you learned about the real world of construction that surprised you?

With this project, I’ve started to truly realize how intricate the planning for a project like this is, and it was surprising how the slightest design change can have a serious ripple effect once steel and concrete are in place. I’m learning how important it is to have everything planned as immaculately as possible before starting any work, and to always be ready for unexpected changes. The project I’m on has encountered some of these challenges, but our team has always handled them quite well.

How have you benefited by working with a mentor every day?

I actually have a handful of mentors at my site, and it’s been fascinating to work with all of them. They each have different specialties, viewpoints, and experience, and it’s been really useful to apply the knowledge I’m gaining from each of them. It also helps keep me busy. If I run out of work from one mentor, I just turn to the next.

Best book read recently:

I didn’t technically read it, but I’ve been listening to the audiobook series of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, as I drove all over Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado at the start of this summer. I got drawn into it by the “Game of Thrones” TV series, and while it’s definitely mainstream now, I really enjoy the nontraditional plot style and the incredible breadth and depth of the books’ settings and characters. Martin really has an imagination! Just don’t get too attached to your favorite character.

App you couldn’t live without?

Just to avoid saying “Facebook,” I’ll go with Imgur. It’s a good time burner (a funny pictures app), and I spend way too much time on it when I get home from work. Warning: the humor can be a bit edgy.

Favorite quote/inspirational saying?

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead

What advice would you give for the future interns of Sundt?

Invest in some sunscreen and a good water bottle or three. The Southwest isn’t known for its temperate summers. However, you’ll likely spend plenty of time in a nice air-conditioned office, too.