Getting to Know Garhett Jurgens

 |  Career Connections

113360_Jurgens_Garhett_1_webviewNAME: Garhett Jurgens

WORKSITE: Sellwood Bridge – Portland, Oregon

MAJOR: Construction Management

SCHOOL: Colorado State University

YEAR: Senior


What drew you to Sundt?

I saw an opportunity to get away from western Colorado and experience the atmosphere of a successful employee-owned company.

What does a typical day at Sundt look like for you?

It starts out every morning with a superintendent meeting, where everyone discusses what their game plan is for the day. After that, I usually get assigned work by one of the project engineers where I’ve helped with RFIs, quantity take-offs, surveying, and other areas where I can throw in a hand.

What have you learned through your Sundt internship about the real world of construction that surprised you?

I’ve never been involved with a project as intricate as the Sellwood Bridge. The amount of coordination that is required because of the complexity of the job baffles me.

How have you benefited by working with a mentor every day?

Not only have I gained a basic understanding of how a structure like the Sellwood Bridge is constructed, but I’ve learned a lot about how to make life enjoyable on a construction project. Yes, things can get stressful for the team, but they all seem like they embrace the pressure, and roll with the punches when things get hard. It is inspirational in a sense.

Best book read recently:

Black Hawk Down

App you couldn’t live without?

Probably my Fox News App. I’m always keeping up with what is going on in the world.

Favorite quote/inspirational saying?

“The only easy day was yesterday.” – The Navy SEALS

What advice would you give for the future interns of Sundt?

Ask questions.