Our power projects are defined by building owners’ trust as well as their facilities.
Supporting our clients from conceptual design through construction and start-up, Sundt has constructed and installed major systems for coal- and gas-fired plants, hydro-electric power plants, solar generating facilities, and biomass plants. Our experience in this sector includes greenfield projects, outage work as well as expansions and retrofits.
Sundt has the resources, network, and skills to complete projects on time with the highest quality.
Through highly detailed pre-planning and coordination, working closely with engineers, equipment manufacturers and plant operators, we ensure work is completed within tightly defined windows of opportunity for uninterrupted power generation. Also, our extensive self-perform capabilities allow us to better control schedule, quality, cost and safety across projects. Sundt holds ASME U, S, R and NB stamps for the manufacture and assembly of various pressure vessels and piping.
Our work in the power generation market includes such landmark projects as building what was the largest parabolic trough plant in the world and the first U.S. solar plant with molten salt thermal energy storage, constructing the tallest SCR structures in North America, and installing the turbines in the Hoover Dam, which today provides power to nearly 8 million people across Western states.

Recent & Select Honors
AGC Build America Award
APS Four Corners
Environmental Enhancement Category