
Donation Guarantees Second Helpings at Sailors’ Holiday Dinners

 |  Government

Donation Guarantees Second Helpings at Sailors’ Holiday Dinners

NWS Earle FCPOA Christmas Check Donation-resized
Sundt employees Scott King (far left) and Keon Bates (far right) present a $1,000 check to Nadine Gonzalez and Nolberto Donate, both stationed at NWS Earle.

Sailors stationed at Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Earle in Colts Neck, New Jersey, will have more cash to use for their holiday meals this year, thanks to a $1,000 donation made by Sundt to the NWS Earle First Class Petty Officers’ Association (FCPOA). The group will use the funds to purchase hams, turkeys and pies for holiday dinners, grocery gift cards for families in need, and toys for children’s gifts. (Sundt also made a $1,000 donation to Earle’s FCPOA for the same purpose at Thanksgiving.)

“Being given the opportunity to contribute to this group and support the work they are doing at Earle was a truly uplifting experience,” said Keon Bates, Sundt Senior Project Engineer.

Sundt is currently performing a $23.9 million federal construction project at NWS Earle that involves repairing damage caused in 2012 by Hurricane Sandy. Most of the storm’s impact occurred along NWS Earle’s 2.9-mile-long pier complex, where the weapons station carries out its mission to safely deliver ordnance to U.S. Navy warships. Sundt is replacing or repairing damaged or missing sections of the potable water mains, steam systems, sanitary sewer systems, and electrical systems on several of the trestles that support rail access to and from pier-side vessels. The project also includes replacement/repair of architectural, plumbing, mechanical, fire protection and electrical systems at two of the buildings located on the pier, as well as demolition, electrical, foundation/structural and civil work at the electrical substation located on shore at the head of the pier complex.

For more details about the project, click here.