Sundt Craft Messaging Hub

ESOP Statements Announcement

I’m writing to let you know about a potential issue with your FY 2022 ESOP statement and how it is being remedied. Your individual statement will arrive in the mail this week if it hasn’t already. Unfortunately, Sundt learned this morning that Principal Financial, our ESOP record keeper, made an error with the mailing. The details on your ESOP statement are correct, but the information on the Lifetime Income Illustration may not be correct. Please shred the Lifetime Income Illustration you receive.

Principal Financial will mail new statements and illustrations later this week. Additionally, you can view your statement and illustration online at Again, the ESOP certificate you received, showing your current account balance, is accurate. The error occurred with the Lifetime Income Illustrations only.

Principal sincerely apologizes for any confusion or frustration this may have caused. If you have any questions, please contact Principal at 800.547.7754 or Sundt’s Total Rewards department at 480.293.3139.

Thank you,

Nicole Calamaio

Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer