A new Army hospital is underway at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, but before construction begins on the facility itself, Sundt’s craft work force will place more than 61,000 cubic yards of structural concrete. Their work will provide the foundations for seven new buildings including the main hospital building, central utility plant, rotunda entrance, two clinics, an administration building, and a clinical investigation building. The project team has placed 11,670 cubic yards of concrete so far, and is expecting to complete the remainder of the concrete construction by summer 2015.
“We’re pleased to have overcome several challenges arising from working in multiple buildings at the same time and completing an accelerated schedule for our client, Clark McCarthy Health Partners II, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,” says Sundt Project Engineer Brandon Van Haveren. “The team is also proud to celebrate our safety record – one year and over 125,000 man hours without a recordable or loss time incident.”