Career Connections

College Job Seekers – New Grads

 |  Career Connections

College Job Seekers – New Grads


by Trevor Gelder, Corporate Director
Talent Acquisition and Deployment

Don’t wait until after graduation to start your job search.  Being on campus means you have many opportunities to learn about and get in front of potential employers. Internships are the most obvious way you can get involved with various companies, but there are other ways to help you network in your industry, as well:

  • Associations
  • Clubs
  • Competitions
  • Volunteering

Watch for events that companies of interest are sponsoring or even just attending.  Many larger companies provide sponsorships to help the university and further programs relating to their industry – and most important to you as a job-seeker – they do this to find out who the top performers and potential hires are.  Often, associations or clubs have special events for the industry, and attending these functions helps you to be seen and get to know people.  Volunteer opportunities can also put you side by side with people who can have an impact on hiring.

Competition for both internships and entry-level positions are fierce, and hiring managers are deluged with applicants with very similar knowledge and resumes.  A word from a colleague about their experience working or interacting with you will differentiate you and give you the leg up needed to land the job.