The most successful projects always begin with thorough preconstruction. It pays to spend time planning the most effective ways to execute a project on budget and on schedule.
Recent feedback Sundt received from Santan Vista Water Treatment Plant Lead Operator Kurtis McDavid from the Town of Gilbert shows how our Industrial Group’s performance during the preconstruction phase on the plant set up the project for success. The project was completed two months ahead of schedule and under budget.
“During the preconstruction process, Sundt met all of our needs,” Kurtis said. “They were thorough and responsive with the design engineers. They worked in a team concept and understood what needed to take place.”
The Sundt team engaged early and often with the engineer and owner to ensure full understanding of all critical project elements. This high degree of team collaboration during the preconstruction phase allowed the project to remain on schedule and avoid costly errors that have the potential to take a plant offline.
“Sundt was diligent in ensuring that it had no negative impact on an operational plant,” Kurtis said. “I have had other contractors cut power or perform a construction task without performing their due diligence, negatively affecting the plant. Sundt also brought in 3D modeling which was helpful in developing a clear understanding of the project needs.”
Communication is also key, from the beginning to the end of a project. It helps provide the level of client value we promise to owners.
“Sundt is a straightforward and cohesive group that keeps the client well-informed,” Kurtis said. “They see the project through the eyes of ownership and are always looking for conflicts or issues that could adversely affect the project.”