One of the many benefits available to Sundt employee-owners is the ability to help people in communities where we do business through the Sundt Foundation. Operations Administrative Coordinator Lisa White has taken full advantage of those opportunities since the day she started almost 11 years ago.
Lisa started giving back on her first project with the company, transportation work in Apache Junction, Arizona. Her team started a “Pack with Pride” program that provided children duffle bags with their names embroidered on them. Each bag contained a pillow, lap quilt and stuffed animal for the kids to use as they navigated through the foster care system.

“Being able to work for a company that recognizes the need to be present in the communities where we work gives us all the opportunity to give back,” Lisa said.
Building on that experience, Lisa and a few volunteers started the company’s Thirst-Aid initiative, which provides water to the less fortunate in Phoenix. She got the idea after volunteering at Andre House of Hospitality, a ministry in Downtown Phoenix that provides meals, water, clothing, laundry service, showers and blankets to the homeless.
“I know something we take for granted could be a life or death situation for the less fortunate in our community,” Lisa said. “Most of us are not aware of the needs in our community because we all lead busy lives, and until someone raises awareness these basic needs go unnoticed.”
Lisa and her team started Thirst Aid in 2010 with the hope of collecting 2,880 bottles. The initial drive ended up collecting nearly 50,000 from our company and industry partners, and the campaign passed a million total bottles last year.
“I see myself as the messenger and from there the word spreads so much that our subcontractors, vendors and suppliers all want to contribute,” Lisa said.
Participating in Sundt Foundation activities came naturally to Lisa. Giving back has been an important part of her life.
“Attending parochial schools, community service was one of our core missions,” she said. “If there was a need in our community, we came together as team to help. These values stick with you because the rewards are endless.”
The Sundt Foundation has made almost $8 million in grants to non-profits since it formed in 1999. Our employee-owners have also put in countless volunteer hours in the communities where we work. For more information about a career with Sundt, please visit