Sundt Foundation, Sundt People

We’re Building a Strong Reputation for Giving

 |  Sundt Foundation, Sundt People

We’re Building a Strong Reputation for Giving

Thirst Aid 2015
Our Thirst-Aid water drive helps the homeless in Phoenix.

Sundt does much more than construction. We also help build communities where we do business.

We are in the top 10 in both foundation and in-kind giving according to the latest Arizona Corporate Philanthropy lists compiled by The Phoenix Business Journal. In 2015, we made $458,000 in contributions in Arizona through our Sundt Foundation and $150,157 of in-kind donations, including tools, time, vehicle use and loaned office and meeting-room space for non-profits.

“We are honored to assist people in places where our employee-owners live and work,” said Sundt Foundation Executive Director Marian Enriquez. “Helping others is one of the bedrocks on which our company is built.”

Since its inception in 1999, the Sundt Foundation has made more than $7.2 million in grants to nonprofits that assist disadvantaged youth and adults. For more information on the Foundation, please take a look at last year’s annual report.