Sundt Foundation, Sundt People

Thirst-Aid Bottle Count Reaches a Cool Million All-Time

 |  Sundt Foundation, Sundt People

Thirst-Aid Bottle Count Reaches a Cool Million All-Time


Sundt has passed the million-bottle mark in the annual Thirst Aid drive to help hydrate the homeless in the Phoenix area.

Working with subcontractors, suppliers and vendors, we collect bottled water every spring to help the homeless in Arizona’s largest city. Those efforts have resulted in more than a million bottles over the past seven years for St. Joseph the Worker, a human service agency, to distribute in time for Phoenix’s hot summer.

“Water is something we take for granted but people who are struggling might not have access to it,” said Lisa White, a Sundt-employee-owner who organizes the event. “Our Thirst-Aid program helps ensure that the homeless stay hydrated during the hot summers in Phoenix where temperatures can top 110 degrees.”

Employee-owners loaded an 18-wheeler with the water and delivered it to St. Joseph the Worker’s downtown Phoenix location last Friday. St. Joseph the Worker is a small, privately funded non-profit organization that assists homeless, low-income and other disadvantaged individuals in their efforts to become self-sufficient through permanent, full-time employment. Since 1988, the organization has provided people with the tools necessary to conduct successful job searches and support them in their efforts to better their lives.

Our company is honored to be part of Thirst Aid, one of many Sundt Foundation activities that serve the communities where we do business.
