With 20 years in the human resources field, Jill Lawson recently started with Sundt in Tempe, Arizona, as a Compensation and Benefits Analyst.
She worked in management for Motorola before becoming the Director of Compensation and Benefits for a large division at General Dynamics. Her last job before entering semi-retirement was as Vice President of Human Resources for a Healthcare Benefits provider in Scottsdale. While semi-retired, she joined the City of Tempe’s Crisis Response team to support 911 calls.
Jill holds a bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University in Information Systems and has a master’s from Pepperdine University in Organization Development.
She recently took time to answer a few questions about her life at and away from the office.
What does your job involve?
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and compensation. I spent a majority of my first two months learning about and supporting our ESOP program. The compensation component is just starting to pick up.
How important is it for the company to stay current on what each of our positions pay relative to the market?
Compensation plays a critical role in an organization’s ongoing and increasingly challenging efforts to attract, retain and motivate a talented workforce. Market pricing provides us with important data to make informed decisions that need to align with our organizational strategies.
How much of a role does the Employee Stock Ownership Plan play in employee-owner satisfaction?
It can be enormous. It is said that when you rent a car you don’t take it to the car wash. When you own the car you wash it and take care of it because it is important to you. I see that mirrored here at Sundt with our employee-owner culture. The pride our employees take in the company and their work transfers to their satisfaction at work.
What’s the most satisfying thing about working here?
After deciding to restart work full-time, I had a lengthy list of criteria and Sundt met all those. What I like most so far is the positive work environment and an abundance of smart, helpful and committed people.
Seen any good movies lately?
My husband and I only go to movies a couple of times a year and we lean toward comedies. Our last favorite was “Spy” with Melissa McCarthy. On the line of humor, one of my current favorite TV shows is “The Science of Stupid” and a favorite book was “Death in the Grand Canyon.”

What are some of your hobbies?
Living here in Arizona, I thoroughly enjoy sports and the outdoors. Hiking, golfing, biking, swimming and weightlifting are at the top of the list. I also enjoy cooking, reading and rally training with our new dog. The current ‘hobby’ going on at our house right now is gingerbread. Each year, I design, construct and decorate a relatively elaborate house. It takes about 100 hours of work and everything must be edible.
Do you have a motto that sums up your approach to life?
For as long as I can remember I have embraced the concepts and methodology of project management, both at home and at work. One of my favorite sayings is, “When the ship misses the harbor, it’s rarely the harbor’s fault.” Planning, execution and flexibility have proven time and again to be critical to success.