Sundt Foundation

Sundt Foundation Awards More than $121K in Quarterly Grants

 |  Sundt Foundation

Sundt Foundation Awards More than $121K in Quarterly Grants

Hannah's House-resized
The facilities at Hannah’s House in San Diego.

The Sundt Foundation awarded more than $121,000 to more than 60 nonprofit organizations this quarter. The money will be used primarily for programs that benefit disadvantaged children and adults in areas where Sundt has an office or an active construction project.

One of the organizations that received a grant was Hannah’s House, which received $2,000 help the organization assist low-income families throughout San Diego County who are in the midst or on the verge of serious turmoil. Its “Transitions” program is specifically designed to provide critical therapeutic support services to low-income parents and their children.

The Sundt Foundation gave a $2,500 grant to the Ronald McDonald House Charities in Phoenix.

The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Phoenix received a $2,500 grant to support approximately 50 nights of housing for its families. The cost of housing a family for one night is approximately $51. Families are asked to donate $15 per night, however, families are never turned away for financial reasons and the majority of the families served by the Ronald McDonald House aren’t able to pay anything at all. In 2013, 92 percent of the families who stayed were unable to contribute toward the cost of their stay.

The Sundt Foundation was established in 1999 by Sundt Construction, Inc., as a way for its employee-owners to give back to the communities in which they work. In addition to funding grants every quarter, the Foundation also sponsors volunteer activities to benefit nonprofit organizations. The grant money comes primarily from contributions made by Sundt employees, which are matched dollar-for-dollar by the company.

Since its inception the Foundation has made grants totaling more than $6 million to hundreds of worthy organizations. Approximately 75 percent of the money goes to help disadvantaged children, with the remaining 25 percent dedicated to community issues. Employees can also earmark their donations for charitable organizations that benefit members of the military and their families.