Sundt Foundation

Focus on the Bottom Line Shows During Diaper Bank Volunteer Event

 |  Sundt Foundation

Focus on the Bottom Line Shows During Diaper Bank Volunteer Event

Diaper Bank-resized
Employees from Sundt spent several hours helping out at the Texas Diaper Bank. The volunteer event was organized by the Sundt Foundation.

Like all companies, Sundt is focused on the bottom line – and baby bottoms are no exception. That’s why several employees from our San Antonio office spent a recent Saturday making sure all the little bottoms in Bexar County, Texas, will be snug and dry this winter by volunteering at the Texas Diaper Bank. The nonprofit organization provides diapers and other baby essentials to struggling families. In a volunteer event organized by the Sundt Foundation, the employees, along with a few friends and family members, repackaged diapers and helped organize the warehouse. Now that’s a focus on the bottom line we can all get behind!

The Sundt Foundation was established in 1999 by Sundt Construction, Inc., as a way for its employee-owners to give back to the communities in which they work. In addition to funding grants every quarter, the Foundation also sponsors volunteer activities to benefit nonprofit organizations. The grant money comes primarily from contributions made by Sundt employees, which are matched dollar-for-dollar by the company.

Since its inception the Foundation has made grants totaling more than $6 million to hundreds of worthy organizations. Approximately 75 percent of the money goes to help disadvantaged children, with the remaining 25 percent dedicated to community issues. Employees can also earmark their donations for charitable organizations that benefit members of the military and their families.