Laboratories & Healthcare

Completed Senior Facility is Sundt’s Sixth Carlton Project

 |  Laboratories & Healthcare

Completed Senior Facility is Sundt’s Sixth Carlton Project

Carlton Plaza of Davis is Sundt’s sixth Carlton senior living project.

We’re pleased to announce the completion of Carlton Plaza of Davis, Sundt’s sixth Carlton senior living construction project in California. Carlton Plaza of Davis’s $17 million campus includes a large dining area, private dining space, beauty salon, general store, billiard room, media room and more. The project also features a separate and secure wing for memory care.

“The senior housing industry is expanding dramatically as more baby boomers reach retirement age,” said Sundt Vice President and Regional Director Teri Jones. “It’s important to provide this generation beautiful, yet practical communities, which is why we enjoy working with Carlton Senior Living. Together we are able to create comfortable homes for this generation and those to come.”

Sundt and architect LPAS Architecture + Design began the three-story, 104,000-square-foot project in late 2012. Prior to Carlton Plaza of Davis, our previous Carlton project was Carlton Plaza Elk Grove. It was completed in 2012.