How can we work together to create sustainable growth, particularly during this recovery, which is unlike anyother? That complex question was the subject of the 2013 Verdexchange Conference that took place in Phoenix earlier this month. The gathering, held annually in Los Angeles and now establishing itself as a yearly event in Arizona as well, bills itself as the “GPS for navigating the trillion-dollar green energy economy.”
“How do you create major nodes for growth? The event brought together the top developers, executives and policy makers from the real estate, infrastructure and energy industries, plus local and regional governments, to address that question,” said Jeff Perelman, Sundt’s Chief Growth Strategist.
Sundt was invited to attend the conference because the company serves all three of the growth-related industries that were represented. Jeff moderated the panel discussion that focused on urban planning and development, and he will play a larger role in the conference next year.
“We opened the discussion with a conversation about how this economic recovery is different from past ones. Then we shifted to a discussion of urban planning, using Phoenix as a case study. Rather than continuing to grow outward in an unsustainable way, city leaders are focused on Transit Oriented Development (TOD), which is densification (infill development) organized around mass transit in order to create and strengthen urban cores.”
An example of successful TOD is the Metro Light Rail system that serves metropolitan Phoenix, major portions of which were constructed by Sundt and a joint venture partner. Many of the stops along the transit line have become booming centers of mixed-use development since the system was built.
“After our discussion about TOD, our third panel member discussed areas of opportunity and the ‘rules and tools’ for making sustainable growth happen,” Jeff continued. “It takes governments, regulators and other stakeholders working together toward a shared vision. Creating alliances that drive growth collaboratively, rather than pushing it through confrontationally, is key. The last piece of the conversation was about funding. Once you envision sustainable growth projects and there is widespread support for them, how do you pay for them?”
Sound like something you’re interested in? Check out the details of the Verdexchange conference here, and find out how to get involved next year.