Sundt Foundation

Sundt Foundation Awards $142K in Grants

 |  Sundt Foundation

Sundt Foundation Awards $142K in Grants

Several Sundt volunteers helping prepare a meal at Andre House, a soup kitchen that serves the poor and homeless in Phoenix, Ariz. Andre House received a Sundt Foundation grant earlier this year to help support its soup line, which serves 550 meals per day, six days a week.

More than 60 non-profit organizations across the country got a much-needed boost to their bottom lines last week when they were notified that they have been awarded grants from the Sundt Foundation. Over $142,000 will be given to a variety of charities in the coming weeks, most of which serve disadvantaged children and families. The organizations were selected by the Foundation’s board of directors from nearly 100 non-profits that applied for grants during the second quarter of 2012.

The Sundt Foundation raises money primarily through contributions from Sundt employees, which are then matched dollar-for-dollar by the company. Since its inception in 1999 the Foundation has made grants totaling nearly $5 million to hundreds of worthy organizations. Most grants are awarded in communities where Sundt has an established office. Employees can also direct their donations to charitable organizations that benefit members of the military and their families.