Airport construction projects are uniquely challenging. They have immense security requirements. Most airports are open and functioning 24/7. And they’re all connected: a closed concourse or delayed flight in Rome could affect travelers in Detroit.
That’s why it’s so important to choose a contractor, like Sundt, that’s an expert in the field of airport construction. Our experience in the aviation industry goes back decades and spans a range of project types, from large international airports to small municipal airfields, military aviation facilities, and more.
We understand that airport customers want to get where they’re going quickly and efficiently, which makes precise planning and communication the keys to success. As one Sundt project manager puts it, “The biggest thing we can offer our clients is invisibility, to make it seem like we’re not even there.” Building temporary walls and walkways, creating way-finding signage and videos, and working carefully around flight schedules – these are things we consider necessary and important parts of the job.
Sundt’s employees are well trained in the varying levels of FAA and TSA security requirements – for landside areas outside of terminals, “sterile” zones within concourses, and out on the tarmac. The tools and equipment that are allowed in one area are strictly forbidden in others. Only an experienced contractor knows the difference.
- Excellent communication with airport owners and the public
- Detailed planning and coordination
- A thorough knowledge of security requirements
- The ability to anticipate challenges and avert problems
That’s what’s on our pre-flight checklist. What’s on yours?