Features & Highlights
- Self-performed 76% of the project
- Crews often worked in close proximity with live traffic
- Job involved over 1.2 million cubic yards of earthwork, 300,000 square yards of cement-treated base, and 44,000 tons of asphalt pavement.
Project Overview
Sundt improved a heavily utilized stretch of the Loop 375 Transmountain Road from Exit 6 on Interstate 10 to east of the Franklin Mountain Park entrance, bringing much-needed traffic relief to the area. This project involved widening of approximately 3.5 miles of Transmountain Road from two to four lanes (with frontage roads), construction of four grade-separated intersections, new hiking and biking trails, and exit and entrance ramps. The project also included direct connectors from Loop 375 west to I-10 east and I-10 west to Loop 375 east.
As with all road projects, the impact of construction on the local community was a major concern for the client and Sundt. Impacts can be minimized through creative approaches to scheduling and self-performing critical path activities, and this was the winning formula for Loop 375 Transmountain West. The team planned operations carefully to maintain the schedule and keep the roadway safe for travelers.
Sundt performed 76% of the project’s work with our own crews, including the structural concrete work on the bridges, columns and footers. We also performed the erection of the mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls (MSE walls) for each of the four overpass bridges. The MSE walls consisted of over 210,000 square feet of intricate precast wall panels, each requiring a specific location in the retaining wall construction.